Wednesday, September 13, 2006

What do you remember from chapter 5

Chapter 5 Quiz

1. Psychodynamic theories are disinguishable from other approaches because of their concern with
A) the influence of past experiences on behaviour
B) the factors which shape personality
C) what motivates behaviour
D) all of the above

2. Freud's theory of psychoanalysis is called a Psychodynamic theory because
A) it is also a type of therapy
B) it emphasises the influence of mental forces on behaviour
C) of the emphasis placed on discrete neurological processes
D) it collects data in clinical settings

3. Freud's theory is based on the principle of psychic determinism, which assumes
A) the environment shapes the way we think
B) mental processes are governed by neural activity
C) behaviour is controlled by a non-physical spirit
D) all behaviour is based on mental causes

4. Freud agreed with all of the following ideas about behaviour EXCEPT
A) biologically-based drives are an important influence on behaviour
B) normal behaviour is based on different processes than abnormal behaviour
C) many thoughts and impulses are unconscious
D) clinical case studies are useful in understanding behaviour

5. If a person complains of a physical symptom, such as numbness in their hand, yet there is no physiological explanation, Freud would describe it as
A) sublimation
B) a form of catharsis
C) hysteria
D) latent content

6. If a patient in therapy began recalling a traumatic memory, and became emotional about it, Freud would say
A) this was an undesirable loss of conscious control
B) it was a useful form of catharsis
C) such memories were produced by the dream censor
D) a hysteria reaction could be manifesting itself

7. Freud often asked patients to say whatever came into their mind, as a way of trying to understand the individual's problems. This technique is based on
A) the idea that there are always patterns of associations in the mind
B) trying to catch the unconscious mind off guard
C) trying to eliminate repression
D) the use of catharsis as a clinical tool.

8. Sarah goes to see Dr. Zhivago, who is a psychoanalyst. He asks her to lie on a couch, and say whatever comes into her mind. The technique he is using is
A) sublimation
B) free recall
C) catharsis
D) free association

9. Freud observed that there are many thoughts and feelings which we are unaware of at a particular moment, but which can be brought into awareness.In his theory, these thoughts and feelings are part of the
A) conscious
B) preconscious
C) unconscious
D) none of the above

10. According to Freud's theory, repression can lead to experiences being held in the
A) conscious
B) subconscious
C) preconscious
D) unconscious

11. When he woke in the morning, John recalled a dream in which he had won a large prize in a lottery, but lost the ticket. This description is what Freud would call
A) an example of wish fulfillment
B) the manifest content of the dream
C) the latent content of the dream
D) content which eluded the dream censor

12. Freud argued that while we sleep, a dream censor is active, whose function is to
A) express the values of the superego
B) convert the dream into symbolic form
C) prevent any symbolic fulfillment of forbidden desires
D) hide the true meaning of the dream by creating latent content

13. Sue likes shopping, and always seeks out new clothing stores. However, she hates doing housework, and usually ignores the mess in her apartment. Freud would explain this behaviour in terms of
A) the law of effect
B) the principle of hedonism
C) the pleasure principle
D) the expression of Thanatos

14. When Freud described "sexuality" as an important drive, he meant
A) fantasies, not real behaviour
B) the desire for physical intercourse
C) only heterosexual sexual impulses
D) all forms of physical and sensual pleasure

15. Herman test-drives a new sports car at a dealer's. Although he really likes it, he decides that he can't afford to buy it. This assessment of what is realistic is characteristic of
A) the id
B) the ego
C) the superego
D) both the id and the superego

16. Freud believed that newborn infants are basically governed by the
A) id
B) ego
C) superego
D) reality principle

17 Twelve-year-old Hugh sees a CD he wants in a store. He is tempted to steal it, but doesn't because he knows it is wrong. Freud would say his decision is governed by
A) the id
B) the ego
C) the superego
D) none of the above

18. Which of the following statements about Freud's psychodynamic theory is correct?
A) The ego is largely unconscious.
B) The superego is responsible for reality-testing.
C) The ego is equivalent to the conscience.
D) The id is the source of basic drives.

19. Freud described rational thought as ___________, and stated that itwas associated with the ______.
A) primary process thinking; id
B) primary process thinking; ego
C) secondary process thinking; id
D) secondary process thinking; ego

20. According to Freud, infants engage in primary process thinking, which is associated with the ______, and which is intended to __________
A) id; reduce tension
B) ego; test reality
C) superego; satisfy drives by wish fulfillment
D) ego; repress drives