Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Working on the Psychodynamic Presentations

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

The Psychodynamic Approach

The term psychodynamic denotes the active forces within the personality that motivate behaviour, and the inner causes of behaviour. While Freud's was the original psychodynamic theory, the approach includes all those theories based on his ideas.
Read the newspaper article 'The Father of Psychoanalysis' and answer the following questions.

Introduction to psychodynamic psychology
1) Historical and Cultural Contexts.
In order to fully understand Freud's theories you first need to have an appreciation of the era in which he was writing.
Read pages 204-206 in Approaches to Psychology

For this task you will need to get into groups to prepare and present a presentation to the rest of the group on one of the following topics:
- 19th Century Victorian Society
- 20th Century events 1900-1945
- Vienna in the late 19th and 20th centuries
- Science in the late 19th and 20th centuries
- Freud's family background, education and major life experiences Information on Freud can be found at one of the Freud museum pages:
Freud Exhibition

Freud, his theories and life in Vienna

General information about his life and the influence of society and other people can be found at this link.

Essay- At this point in the year you are not ready to attempt a full IB question, such as, describe the historical and cultural context of the development of the psychodynamic perspective. Instead I would like you to write a 350-400 word essay:
Essay: Discuss the historical and cultural context of Freud's theories of behaviour.

2) Frued's Theories- Read pages 206- 233 in Approaches to Psychology

Pages 206-207 Notes on Psychic determinism

Pages 207-209 Notes on Freud's theory of consciousness
(Students to prepare comparison table)

Pages 209-210 Notes on dreams
(Fun dream analysis)

Pages 211-212 Notes on instinctive unconscious drives

Pages 213-214 Notes on the tripartite theory of personality
(Pictorial representation of the mind and personality)

Pages 214-223 Notes on the 5 psychosexual stages of development
See the PPT presentation

Pages 223-228 Notes on defence mechanisms Link 1, Link 2, Link 3

Pages 229-233 Freud's methods of investigation

Psychoanalytic Theories Overview Powerpoint

3) Freud Video (The Young Dr Freud)

Techniques for Research
Freud used the case study method when treating his clients (seeing them individually and investigating them in detail) often using the clinical interview method to probe their past and question their behaviour.

See The Little Hans Case Study and others

Answer these questions on the Little Hans case study handed out to you.

Free Association

Dream Interpretation

Freudian Slips

Using these web sites and pages 229-233 in Approaches to Psychology you need to complete a table of all of Freud's methods of investigation. You need to describe each method, give an example of when this was used (if applicable) and detail the strengths and weaknesses of each method.

A) Outline one or more techniques used for research in psychodynamic psychology (6)
B) Evaluate the techniques outlined in question A (14)

Evaluation of Freud
Using a variety of sources you need to name and explain a range of strengths and weaknesses of the Psychodynamic theory- these can be general evaluative points, methological issues, clinical validation of concepts, experimental validation of concepts etc.
Glassman Pages 233-238

Empirical Research

Psychoanalysis Effectiveness

Relevance of Freud today

Describe and evaluate the structure and functioning of the persoanlity in Freudian psychoanalytic theory (20).

The Neo-Freudians
There are a number of other Psychodynamic theories other than that of Freud. These are collectively known as the Neo-Freudians:

You will get into groups and prepare a presentation on one of the neo-Freudians. This will be assessed- see the presentation rubric

a) Outline two neo-Freudian theories (3)
b) Explain how these theories modify classic psychoanaytic theories (3)
c) Evaluate the contribution of one of the neo-Freudians theores to the understanding of human behaviour (14)

What do you know about Freud
Take this not so serious quiz to find out.

How can this approach be applied to everyday living?
Read this article published in Psychology Today- Think Like a Shrink

Monday, August 21, 2006

Psychological Perspectives

You have been reading about and participating in class discussions about why all psychologists do not agree. In psychology there are a number of different approaches (perspectives) that a psychologist can work from. I have prepared a short powerpoint to summarise the key people in psychology and the main approaches that we will be studying this year.

Monday, August 14, 2006

History of Psychology

Approaches to Psychology
Introductory Questions

Read pages 2,3,4 & 5 and answer the following questions.
1. Define the term ‘Psychology’
2. Define ‘the scientific method’
3. Which two early psychologists studied
their own behaviour and how?
4. What were the problems with the early
method of introspection?
5. What is reactivity and give an example
6. Give some examples of what can cause
7. Why does psychology have many
different approaches/perspectives to explain human behaviour?

Read pages 6-12

Saturday, August 12, 2006

So, what is Psychology and what will I study?

The word Psychology comes from Two words: Psyche and logos. The word psyche is from a Greek word meaning "breath of life", i.e. "soul or spirit", loosely translated as MIND. The word logos means "knowledge' or "study".
Therefore, the word Psychology can be roughly translated as the study of the mind. There are literally hundreds of definitions of Psychology, however, a generally accepted term is "the scientific study of the mind and behaviour".

Monday, August 07, 2006

Creating your own weblog

All of you need to create a weblog specific to Psychology so that you can complete classroom and homework activities. See the section on what you need to do.


A very warm welcome to all my Psychology students this academic year (2006/07). My name is Miss Brennan and as you have probably guessed by now, I am British and am new to Bangkok and also to International schools- so be kind! I have taught Psychology for 8 years in the UK at Advanced Level (aged 16-19) and BSc (Degree) level.
I am truly passionate about Psychology and hope that you will come to enjoy the subject too. I am here to help you to reach your goals at RIS and hope that together we will be successful.
As you can see from my picture I spend most of my spare time scuba diving and I am very excited about the many diving opportunities that Thailand has to offer. Work hard and enjoy your learning.
Miss B